Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Current policy intervention relevant to adult social care and its Essay

Current policy intervention relevant to adult social care and its impact on one of the groups - Essay Example The objective of this report is to define how the Valuing People white paper offers new opportunities while at the same time issuing solutions to existing problems in the implementation of the recommendations, so that adults with learning disabilities including their families can live complete and independent lives as part of their local communities. The report is aimed at the concerned government agencies and advocacy groups involved in implementing the white paper, particularly the National Health Service and the national Directorate of People with Learning Disabilities. The report covers the historical treatment of people with learning disabilities, especially how state sponsored care practises influenced the formulation of Valuing People policy intervention. Secondly, a critical evaluation of the white paper strengths and weaknesses on the wellbeing of people with disabilities is provided, based on existing literature, government reports and accounts of people undergoing the services offered under the policy intervention. The report uses various local learning disability services in England by evaluating their guidelines, policy implementation and practises. Finally, the report provides solutions to the weaknesses affecting the users of the services provided under the Valuing People intervention. A key limitation of the report is that, it did not interview in person individuals with learning disabilities, and as such these findings cannot be entirely generalized to the wider UK community. The De Prerogative Regis of 1334 was the first legal effort by the England crown state in administering community based care for individuals having learning disabilities (Puri, 2005, p.2) Even before the industrial revolution, the society did not recognize the fact that individuals with learning disabilities should be supported to live their own lives, as workers, parents, tenants or even home owners (Race, 2002, p. 24). Since they were

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